Tango Boise

Your Connection to Argentine Tango In Boise

Tango 100 Beginner Series Special Topics


What’s this? While the professor was asleep, some no-good undergrads busted into the classroom and changed the curriculum of our poor sweet tango fundamentals series. They had this to say:

”Listen up NERDS: save your ‘walking’ and ‘grounding’ yawnfest for the Fall semester - this is Summer, and Summer is all about FUN. So we’re making some changes around here. Try to keep up.”




A 4 week series starting July 11th
Monday nights 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Prep class to be held Wednesday, July 6th @7:30 pm (Not included in regular tuition, $10)


Xanadu, 5015 Bond St, Boise, ID 83706


$60, classes are not drop-in, so no a la carte pricing will be offered.


Tommy Smith and Christian Wheelihan


  1. This class will involve a lot of pivoting, and expects you will come into the class being able to do at least moderately balanced ochos with good technique. If you are unsure of your ability, we recommend attending our Class-0 prep class to get ready.

  2. This class will involve a lot of twisting. If you have any physical limitation that prevent or limit your spine from twisting (dissociating), this may not be the class for you.

  3. The movements in this class will be potentially dangerous when learning and wearing tango shoes/heels. Everyone will need to bring a pair of socks each class to dance in.

  4. This class will require you to both lead and follow the movements. It is recommended those who primarily follow bring flats to dance in (heels are optional).


Use the pre-registration link to the right to reserve your spot in the class.

To ensure there are enough students for the class to happen, we will need a minimum of 6 people registered before FRIDAY, JULY 8TH.

If we do not meet the minimum, we will refund the registration fee of everyone currently registered and delay the class for another time.

Tango University Special Topics

Tango University Special Topics


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Tentative Curriculum


Tango 400S - Special Topic Series

Back Sacadas
July 6 (Wednesday) - Class 0 - Prep
July 11 - Back Sacadas - Core techniques, switching roles for regular sacadas
July 18 - Back Sacadas - Lead’s back sacada
July 25 - Back Sacadas - Follower’s back sacada
August 1 - Back Sacadas - Combos


DISCLAIMER: We reserve the right to institute Health & Safety protocols as needed.

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Tango Boise Inc., a registered 501c3 and qualified non-profit organization. Tango Boise Inc, your connection to Tango in Boise!

All rights reserved ©tangoboiseinc2014-2024, ©lynettedaudt2013-2018

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